Updated Articles

  1. Linking Issues

    When using Issuetrak, you might recognize a need to have multiple issues linked to each other for various reasons.
  2. Issue Submission Methods

    Issuetrak provides the ability to determine which method was used to create an issue. The Submission Method can be found: Via the Report Writer in the Issues Dataset On the View Issue or Edit Issue screens, if the issue form i...
  3. Best Practices - Expanding Issuetrak

    When another group or department seeks to take advantage of the benefits you're experiencing with Issuetrak, deciding whether to integrate them into your existing site or create a separate one is crucial. Where do you begin?   Where to start?...
  4. About Azure AD Integration

    Issuetrak offers integration with Azure AD via the Identity Management area of the product. The advantages of utilizing Azure AD with Issuetrak are very similar to those from using AD Federation Services: Issuetrak never has the user's cred...
  5. Best Practices - Moving a Workflow to Issuetrak

    Understanding and optimizing your business processes is crucial, but sometimes the reality of how processes operate can differ from documented procedures. That's why documenting both real-world practices and recorded processes is essential for gaini...
  6. About Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS)

    Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) is a framework for authenticating users to an application without direct communication with a domain controller. This is a better and more secure way of implementing authentication for Issuetrak because: ...
  7. About the Billing Module

    The Billing Module gives you the ability to add multiple line items to an issue to represent Product and Service charges against an issue.  For service companies, this results in an ability to record charges for services provided and to charge for m...
  8. About Organizations

    Any organizational unit – such as a company or a subsidiary – interacting directly or indirectly with your Issuetrak system is an Organization . Organizations are the largest and most important of all Entities within Issuetrak. Organizations...
  9. Best Practices - Issue Assignments

    Issues in Issuetrak can be assigned to agents or agent groups using various methods, both manual and automated. Assignments can occur either upon submission or later during the issue's lifecycle. This guide outlines the different assignment meth...
  10. About Embedded Images

    Your users can Embed Images — such as screenshots, pictures, or other graphics files — directly into issues and Knowledge Base (KB) articles within your site. Full functionality relies on activation of your site’s Rich Text being activated th...