Best Practices - Moving a Workflow to Issuetrak

Understanding and optimizing your business processes is crucial, but sometimes the reality of how processes operate can differ from documented procedures. That's why documenting both real-world practices and recorded processes is essential for gaining insights into how your company truly operates.

Navigating Process Management with Issuetrak

Let's explore how Issuetrak can enhance your process management:

  • Representation with Tasks: In Issuetrak, each step of your process is represented by a Task. These Tasks can be assigned to individuals or user groups with appropriate permissions.
  • Task Groups: Complex processes often involve multiple sequential steps. Task Groups allow you to link these Tasks, reflecting the interconnected nature of your processes.
  • Dynamic Task Addition: Issuetrak allows you to add or remove steps at decision points in your process based on specific criteria. For example, in an employee onboarding process, tasks related to health insurance enrollment may be included only if the employee opts for it.

Think you could use more help with your work on tasks and processes? Check out this article for more on this subject.

Practical Implementation

To enhance process execution, Issuetrak offers several features:

  • Issue Templates: Issue Templates serve as standardized submission forms, pre-filled with necessary information and associated Tasks. This ensures consistency and efficiency in initiating processes.
  • Auto-Assignment Rules: With Auto Assignment Rules, assigning responsibility for managing issues can be automated based on predefined criteria such as submitting department or issue subtype, enhancing accountability and workflow efficiency.
  • Substatus Management: Tasks in Issuetrak can be configured with Yes/No/NA responses, enabling dynamic substatus updates. For example, if a task assignee selects Yes on an approval task, the issue substatus can automatically update to "Approved." This facilitates progress tracking and provides valuable insights for reporting and analysis

Expert Guidance and Support

Should you need assistance in optimizing your processes within Issuetrak, our team of Professional Services consultants is ready to help. They can provide tailored advice and support to ensure your Issuetrak implementation aligns perfectly with your unique business needs.


With Issuetrak, you have the tools and support necessary to effectively manage your processes, drive efficiency, and adapt to evolving business requirements. Reach out to your account manager or directly to our Professional Services team to explore how we can help you get the most out of your Issuetrak site.