You can find more about Issuetrak Deployment Fundamentals here.
Configuring DPAPI Encryption
DPAPI (Data Protection Application Programming Interface) is a cryptographic application programming
interface available as a built-in component in the Microsoft Windows operating systems. DPAPI Encryption is used to encrypt your Issuetrak database connection string.
In order to implement DPAPI encryption for your connection strings, perform the following steps on the web server:
- In a web browser navigate to the (WebsiteURL)/Connect/ApplyDPAPIEncryption.asp page.
- Navigate to the Connect subfolder located within your Issuetrak directory folder.
- Open the Connection-Strings.asp file in this subfolder using Notepad or another text editor.
- Copy the plaintext connection string from in between the quotation marks.
- Once copied, ensure the plaintext string is cleared with only the quotation marks remaining.
- Paste the plaintext connection string to be encrypted into the text control labeled “(1) Paste Text to Encrypt Here:” and then click the “Encrypt Text” button.
- Copy the Encrypted Text from the text control labeled
Encrypted Text (for local machine):
to the clipboard.
- Paste the encrypted text into the Connection-Strings.asp file to populate the constant values and ensure it is enclosed within the quotation marks.
- Edit Connection-Strings.asp and set the
value to True. - Save the changes to Connection-Strings.asp.
- Confirm access to the Issuetrak web application.
Testing the Website's URL
Once the installation is complete, verify that you can access and login to your new Issuetrak URL using the default System Administrator account:
- Open your Issuetrak URL in a web browser.
- Sign in with the username “admin” and the password you set in the JSON.
If you cannot access your URL or login with these credentials, please contact our Support Team for assistance.
Adjusting the Attachments Maximum File Size
There are several default settings in IIS that automatically prohibit users from uploading image or attachment files that are larger than 200 KB (kilobytes). The installation wizard automatically adjusts these settings to accept files up to at least 25 MB. You can edit the settings manually based on your preference – see KB Article 1696 – How to allow large attachments in Windows Server for details.