System Colors

System Colors allow your site to be branded with one of several pre-defined color themes or a customized color theme of your own. You can also adjust color saturation and brightness within the Dashboard.

Organization-specific Site Colors can also be defined within an Organization record. In these cases, Organization members see System Colors on the Login screen, but their Organization Site Colors after login.

Only users with Sys Admin or Can access and maintain Administration functions permissions can manage System Colors options within your system.

If you are in Dark Mode when accessing this screen you will receive a message Please disable Dark Mode to continue. Once disabled, the screen will update and allow you to view the System Colors.


Applying Colors and Color Themes


  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right > click on System Colors beneath System. Your current system color settings will appear on the screen.
  2. (Optional) To apply an existing color theme or create and apply a new theme from an existing theme, select the theme. The color settings for the selected theme will then appear.
  3. (Optional) Define new color settings for any specific interface items.
  4. Click the color box next to the item.
  5. Select the new color for this item in the Select Color popup window that opens.
  6. Click Use Color. The Select Color popup will close and a preview will display to the right in the section you have modified.
  7. Repeat Steps 3 through 6 for all other item colors you want to modify.
  8. To make additional modifications, repeat Step 3.
  9. Once you are satisfied with the settings, you have one of two options:
    1. Click Apply Colors to simply apply these settings to the system. A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.
    2. Click Save & Create Theme to save these settings as a new color theme and apply them to the system. Then, enter a name for your new theme and click Save Theme in the System Colors Theme – New screen that opens. A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.

We recommend using option B on Step 9 just in case your system colors are ever mistakenly modified. This will allow you to easily re-apply the correct settings using the complete color theme.


Editing Color Themes


  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right > click on System Colors beneath System.
  2. Click Color Themes on the right context menu.
  3. Click edit next to the theme you are modifying.
  4. Make your changes in the System Colors Theme – screen that opens.
  5. Click Save Theme.

A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.


Deleting Color Themes


  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right > click on System Colors beneath System.
  2. Click Color Themes on the right context menu.
  3. Click del next to the theme you are deleting.

A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.


Adjusting Dashboard Colors


  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right > click on System Colors beneath System.
  2. Click Dashboard Colors on the right context menu.
  3. Click, hold and slide the Saturation value until you are satisfied with the preview at the top of the screen, then release it.
  4. Click, hold and slide the Brightness value until you are satisfied with the preview at the top of the screen, then release it.
  5. Click Update.

A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.