Additional Benefits of Locations and Regions

The ability to efficiently categorize and organize data is crucial for making informed business decisions. Among the variety of tools offered by Issuetrak, the Locations and Regions feature stands out as a versatile resource.

Benefit Explanation

Expanded Functionality

While User Defined Fields (UDFs) serve their purpose, Locations offer a broader scope of integration within Issuetrak. They seamlessly fit into Custom Messages (within the "Issue Details" token), Workflows, and Auto Assignments, enhancing the platform's functionality. Moreover, Locations provide the unique capability to link Locations and Regions, a feature not available with UDFs.

Supports Relabeling

The labels of Locations and Regions can be renamed according to the needs of the business, ensuring alignment with internal terminology and processes.

Detailed Location Records

The Locations feature encompasses more than just a name and ID. It includes additional fields such as contact person, phone, fax, organization, and address, etc., along with three customizable text fields.

Subscriber Lists

Users and groups pertinent to specific locations can be included in the subscriber lists, ensuring visibility and timely notifications for issues linked to those particular locations.

Submission Restrictions

Administrators can exert control over location visibility on the submission form by assigning an internal organization to a location record. Users within that internal organization will only have access to select locations associated with their organization or locations lacking any specified organization when submitting issues. This helps to prevent inadvertent selection of incorrect locations, particularly in instances where the list of locations has grown large.

Reporting Capabilities

While Locations are a field that can be added to Issue Hub Views, both locations and regions are available in many of the Report Writer datasets. This allows for comprehensive reporting and analysis.

Dashboard Panels

The ability to visualize open issues by location and region through dedicated dashboard panels offers valuable insights at a glance.

Integration with User Accounts

Locations are not limited to issues; they can also be assigned to user accounts. If a user has a location on their user account, then that Location will be automatically selected on the issues that the user submits. If needed, the user can manually change the location from their own to one of the other locations to which they have visibility.

Integration with Identity Management

By utilizing the Identity Management module, users can be automatically mapped to their corresponding location, streamlining user management processes.

Locations for Assets

Utilize the Asset Management module to assign specific locations to assets, ensuring swift retrieval for repairs and maximizing resource utilization.

Locations for Projects

Projects offer the flexibility to designate a separate location, independent of the location tied to associated issues.


As organizations grow, locations and regions provide scalability to accommodate changing needs. Whether adding new locations, reorganizing regions, or adapting workflows, the versatility of this feature allows organizations to scale their operations without compromising efficiency or effectiveness.


Unexpected Uses for Locations and Regions

While Locations and Regions are commonly utilized for tasks such as mapping office buildings or delineating geographical areas, their capabilities stretch far beyond these conventional uses. Their versatility offers a wealth of uses that you might not have considered.

Usage Explanation

Bus Routes and Terminals

Utilize Locations to track bus routes and Regions to track terminals.

Customer Part Numbers and Master Part Numbers

Manage customer-specific part numbers with Locations and their corresponding master part numbers with Regions.

Cruise Ships and Home Ports

The Locations field can be relabeled to Cruise Ships for travel companies to be able to easily see which ship each issue is for. Regions can be used to track the Home Port of the ships.

Manufacturing Facilities and Production Lines

Employ Locations to categorize different manufacturing facilities or production lines within a factory. Regions can then be utilized to group these facilities based on geographical regions.

In conclusion, Issuetrak's Locations and Regions feature offers a multitude of benefits, ranging from enhanced customization and control to improved reporting and analysis. If you have any questions or would like the assistance of our product experts, please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.