Password Policies
You can implement various password policies to help increase the security of your Issuetrak site. Behind the scenes, Issuetrak uses substantial protections to avoid the compromise of sensitive customer data. Different mechanisms are employed based o...
About the Features Screen
The Features page allows you to activate additional features on your site. Only features included in your license can be activated. However, you may evaluate or add other Features at any time by requesting an updated license from our Technical Sup...
About Organizations
Any organizational unit – such as a company or a subsidiary – interacting directly or indirectly with your Issuetrak system is an Organization . Organizations are the largest and most important of all Entities within Issuetrak.
About Departments
Departments allow you to organize users based on the functional units they serve within your Organization, such as Accounting, Marketing, IT, etc. More importantly, Departments add another layer to your system’s data filtering options and a whole ...
About Tasks
The optional Tasks feature allows you to set up discrete actions and / or a consistent workflow required for the resolution of an issue. Tasks may be added individually or with a Task Group during the submission of an issue or at any time in the i...
About Locations and Regions
Locations and Regions reflect physical user, issue, and asset locations. Regions generally define a larger area, while Locations are smaller entities within a Region. A Region might be defined as a state and a corresponding Location within that ...
About Issue Types and Subtypes
Your system needs an overall structure for capturing and reporting issue-related information. This is accomplished by categorizing the issues being addressed through Issuetrak into:
Classes – general categories such as Change Requests, Inci...
About Priorities
Priorities are used to indicate the relative importance of an issue. Identifying priorities among issues helps determine where a particular issue figures into the larger issue queue and how soon the issue might be addressed. Auto Assignments, Iss...
About Issue Templates
Issue Templates are issue submission templates you create for commonly addressed issues. They allow you to pre-define appropriate information and values for those issues, such as the Subject, Description, Issue Type, Subtype, Priority, Email Sub...
Incoming Email Overview
You can have the system automatically convert emails into new issues through Incoming Email (IEM). You may configure Issuetrak to retrieve messages from Exchange, IMAP, POP3, or Office365 mailboxes. If you are also using Issue Notifications or...
Issue Notifications
Issue notifications are automatically generated based on events that occur within an issue. When an event occurs, emails are sent to users based on the role they hold on the issue. This document goes over those notifications and how they can be modi...
Site Configuration Foundations
When setting up and configuring an Issuetrak site, the first thing to do is define the foundations of the site. Foundational elements are the basic entities and issue elements that provide structure. The interaction between these foundational compon...
Visibility Controls Best Practices
Controlling visibility to an issue allows you to control who can view an issue in Issuetrak. Many implementations require the ability to control whether a user can see certain issues. We can do this by using a combination of entities (organizations ...
About Issue Forms
The Issue Forms feature in your Settings Lightbox allows you to customize the information displayed on different Issues Types, as well as the required fields that apply to those Issues Types.
There is a generic, system-generated Issuetrak ...
About Causes
Causes is an optional field allowing for root causes to be identified within issues. Identifying the cause of an issue can increase your ability to quantify and appropriately address known problems. This feature may be of particular interest to Is...
The Benefits of Customer Training
When you purchased Issuetrak, you had a specific problem to solve. Setting up the system and training your team are essential steps toward successful implementation. As the system administrator, you’re likely responsible for both. Well-trained teams...
Getting Started in Issuetrak
Issuetrak is designed with a variety of configuration and customization options that allow you to shape its user interface according to your current operation and user base. It is also designed for long-term scalability s...
Ways to Utilize Issuetrak Consulting
Whether you're a newcomer to Issuetrak or a seasoned user, the need for updates, understanding newly released features, or extending benefits to new departments is constant. However, finding the time to plan, implement, and test these tasks can be c...
Implementation Guidelines
This article provides a high-level, general implementation plan for Issuetrak, including installation and configuration. Every implementation varies and may not directly follow these guidelines.
1. Communications: Time Frame: 1 - 2 Days
How To Get the Most Out of Your Professional Services Consultation
Below are recommendations aimed at maximizing the value of consultation sessions with Issuetrak Professional Services:
Supplementary Details
Install the site
(Not applicable for Clo...
Term Dictionary
If you are new to Issuetrak, the terms we use may be overwhelming. In some cases, the words we use may mean different things to different people. This document will give you a repository of the major terms used within Issuetrak. We’ll start with...
HTML Enhancement Options
When using Issuetrak, the look and feel of the site are important as it helps provide additional information or better expresses the usage and usability of the site for your users. Whether this is the login screen having additional text or images o...
About Issue Responsibilities
When discussing “Issue Responsibilities,” your first thought might be the issue’s assignee, or possibly the submitter of the issue. However, there are a number of different roles within Issuetrak that tie into issue resolution and can indicate respo...
Issue Types - A Guide from Planning to Implementation
Issuetrak is an incredibly configurable and flexible tool, allowing you to customize it to fit various business models. While configuring Issuetrak may initially appear challenging, we are here to guide you through every step of ...
Rich Text Editor Limitations for Copying and Pasting
You may find that images from certain sources, such as Microsoft products, cannot be copied and pasted into Issuetrak's Rich Text Editor (RTE). No error will appear. The image simply won't paste into the editing area.
Configuration and Customization of Issue Submission
The issue submission process in Issuetrak is crucial for collecting, organizing, and presenting information effectively. Proper configuration of this process ensures that your workflows run smoothly and can adapt to the changing needs of your organ...
Total / Adjusted Time Open
This article explains how Issuetrak calculates the "Total/Adjusted Time Open Mins" via the value stored in the database.
Licensing FAQs
Issuetrak 16.0 introduced significant changes to the way our licensing works. Prior to 16.0, sites utilized license keys in order to determine how many agents could be used and what features could be activated.
Moving forward, we no longer prov...
Navigating the Issue Lifecycle in Issuetrak
The lifecycle of an issue varies depending on the usage, but there are also some similarities and best practices to follow. This guide aims to provide a structured understanding of the sequential steps involved in handling an issue within Issuetrak,...
About Entities
Entities in Issuetrak serve as unique identifiers for users and groups of users, allowing for efficient organization and management. What a user can see and do in Issuetrak are controlled by user permissions and what entities they are associated wit...
About Embedded HTML
Beginning with version 16.5, Issuetrak provides the ability for you to add embedded HTML to your site, up to a 10,000 character limit. When we talk about embedded HTML or embed codes, we're referring to little snippets of JavaScript or HTML that you...
Additional Benefits of Locations and Regions
The ability to efficiently categorize and organize data is crucial for making informed business decisions. Among the variety of tools offered by Issuetrak, the Locations and Regions feature stands out as a versatile resource.
How to Install Issuetrak on Your Desktop
Most of the browsers supported by Issuetrak provide the means to "install" websites as web apps on your desktop. Naturally, this isn't the same as deploying Issuetrak in your environment - it is merely a tool for quickly accessing your site in a...