Site Appearance

These optional settings allow you to change the appearance of the site to match your company specifications. You can choose which ones you want to adjust and which ones to leave set to the Issuetrak defaults.

  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right > click on Site Appearance beneath System.
  2. Enter a Site Title (maximum 500 characters).
  3. Click the Update button to save changes.

A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.


On Screen Messages


  1. Enter the message to display at the top of every user’s home page in the Home Screen field (maximum 500 characters). You may use HTML tags to add special formatting and hyperlinks.
  2. Enter the additional message to display at the top of every Agent user’s home page in the Home Agent User field (maximum 500 characters). You may use HTML tags to add special formatting and hyperlinks.

  3. Enter the message to display on the Login screen in the Login Screen field (maximum 500 characters). You may use HTML tags to add special formatting and hyperlinks.

For more information on HTML special formatting available with the Issuetrak site, please reference the HTML Enhancement Options article.


Favicon and Logos


  1. To define the favicon used in your web browser, click the UPLOAD New link. Click Choose File to locate the new favicon image file from the Upload New Favicon popup window that appears. Click Upload File when the image’s current file path displays in the Favicon File Name field. This popup will close and the message Upload successful will display.

For best results, use only standard graphic formats (.gif, .jpg, .bmp or .png). Images may be of any size. Consider 16 × 16 pixels—the size of the Issuetrak default favicon—as a baseline size.

  1. To define any of your site's logo images, click the appropriate UPLOAD New link next to it.
    1. Under the Login Logos header, the Left and Right logos will only appear on the Login screen.
    2. Under the Site Logos header, the Title Bar and Left menu logos will appear and persist in the top (title) bar and in the left menu once you are signed into Issuetrak. 
      1. Title Bar logos have no limit to their width but will scale down to a maximum height of 20 pixels while maintaining its aspect ratio.
      2. Left menu logos have a maximum width of 200 pixels and a maximum height of 45 pixels.  If the image you provide doesn't meet these proportions, it will be scaled and transformed to match the aspect ratio 200 x 45 pixels provides.
  2. Click Browse to locate the new logo file from the Upload New Logo popup window that appears. Click Upload File when the image’s current file path displays in the Logo File Name field. This popup will close and the message Upload successful will display.

You may use any of several graphic formats (.svg, .webp, .gif, .jpg, .bmp or .png). Images may be of any size. Consider 168 × 64 pixels—the size of the Issuetrak default logo—as a baseline size.

  1. To embed a link to a specific Web page or alternate Web site with your right or left logo image, enter its URL in the appropriate Logo URL field.

  2. Click Update.

A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.