If you're actually interested in learning about Issuetrak's second-generation API v2, then you should read this article instead.
Issuetrak provides the means to deploy the API via either the Issuetrak Deployment Utility (IDU) or the Issuetrak Deployment Manager (IDM).
If you wish to install the API while upgrading or installing a new instance of Issuetrak with the IDM, you should select the API when prompted, and continue with the deployment as normal.
If you are installing or upgrading a site with the IDU and wish to include the API, then you will need to add the API object to your site's JSON.
Deploying the API will require a few minutes of downtime for all involved Issuetrak sites. During deployment, the following events will happen for each targeted Issuetrak instance.
- An API user will be created on the SQL server if it doesn't exist, and it will be associated with your Issuetrak instance.
- An account called “APIUser” will be added within your Issuetrak site. It will only be visible when querying the SQL server for this account. This account must remain active, and should not be modified.
- A new application called api will be created at the root of your Issuetrak site in IIS.
For any API call to be made to the site, your API Key will be required as a part of the API Authorization, there are 2 methods to retrieve the API Key.
- If a new Issuetrak site is being deployed the API Key will be provided during the API portion of the installation.
- If the API is being installed during an upgrade, the API Key can be found from the Database using the following SQL query after the installation is complete:
SELECT Parametervalue FROM Parameters WHERE Parameter = 'ApiKey'
If you want to learn more in general about deploying Issuetrak before performing an API deployment, you can find more about Issuetrak Deployment Fundamentals here.