

About Report Writer
Report Writer is one of the most important features of Issuetrak. This article will help you get to know the report writer’s terms, capabilities, and why you might want to use this feature. This feature gives you the powerful ability to construct re...
About the Dashboard
The Dashboard is a user-specified display of At-A-Glance statistics regarding open issues. A user must have Dashboard permissions within their Menu Options / Pages Allowed to view the Dashboard. If Issue Classes are enabled, selecting a Cla...
Setting Report Writer Defaults
Administrators can change your site’s Report Writer defaults and settings from Reports > Report Writer > Settings . Format Types specify how data will be displayed. Each field in the Issuetrak system has a corresponding data type. For ...
Scheduled Reports
Scheduled Reports deliver Saved Searches or Report Writer Reports to select users via email in CSV , Excel , or HTML formats. This allows interested parties to receive and review the most current data without requiring them to log into the...
Dashboard Settings
This sub-menu option allows you to define your personal Dashboard preferences. Below is a walkthrough of this screen from top to bottom: Select the Dashboard Panel you want to add to your Dashboard from the "Select a Panel" drop down. ...
Summary Reports
To view the list of Summary Reports, click on Reports in the left static menu followed by List under Summary Reports in the right quick menu . These are pre-defined system reports based on the features enabled within your site. The da...
How does Issuetrak define Report Permissions?
This article explains the permissions required to access and edit Saved Searches and Reports in Issuetrak.