Issuetrak Webform

The standard Issuetrak webform is a simple, 8 field webform that always maps to the same 8 fields in Issuetrak. This basic webform option is perfect for organizations looking for a webform with straightforward capabilities, or for a budget-friendly option. We can get these forms to you quickly with just a few details from your team, rather than the much longer process of developing a more customized form.

With the standard webform, we allow organizations to customize a small number of specific aspects detailed below. If you need your webform to do more than this standard functionality, please reach out to us regarding a more customized webform for your company’s needs.


Benefits of a Standard Webform

  • Quick deployment
  • Low cost
  • Fewer details required
  • Straightforward; fewer fields, less clutter
  • Easy to implement


Required Fields in a Standard Webform

Here is an example of a standard Issuetrak webform. The standard form is a copy of this site in form and function. This includes creating users. We are able to add a logo in place of the Issuetrak logo and change labels and form colors for no additional cost. It’s also important to note that because of the stripped-down nature of the webform, all 8 of the below fields will be required.

Field Number Field on Form Field in Issuetrak
1 First Name Submitter's First Name
2 Last Name Submitter's Last Name
3 Email Address Submitter's User ID and Email Address
4 Phone Number Submitter's Phone Number
5 Type of Problem (Issue Types) Issue Type (Customer would need to provide a list)
6 Location Issue Location
7 Subject Issue Subject
8 Description Issue Description


Default Fields for the Customer to Identify

  • Issue Organization
  • User Organization
  • Priority
  • Substatus
  • Issue Assignee (or Unassigned)


Other Items the Customer Would Need to Provide

  • List of issue types customer wants to see displayed on the webform
  • Whether or not they want to use location on the webform, and which locations to include
  • List of locations if they are using location
  • (If the defaults must be changed) Any custom webform field names
  • (If the defaults must be changed) Background or font color information
  • Custom logo
  • The customer name portion of the URL for the form (premise customers only)


Allowable Configuration with a Standard Webform

We can configure the following fields with our standard offering:

  • Color, including page background, card background, and text color
  • Webform field labels
  • Disable/enable the locations field
  • Logo
  • Multi-Select UDFs
  • Task-Associated UDFs
  • QR Codes
  • Any of the 8 standard default fields listed above


Webform Customization

The following fields, features, and customizations are not included in our standard webform offering. However, they are included in the more detailed custom forms our team can develop for your business.

  • Ability to put the webform behind your Issuetrak instance's login screen
  • Upload attachments
  • User Defined Fields
  • Field mappings and field types beyond the standard 8 listed above
  • Changing the field order
  • Dynamic Branching 
  • All hardcoded logic, including assignments, substatus, subject, and descriptions
  • Marking any fields “not required” (all 8 fields are required on the standard webform)