About Issue Hub

The Issue Hub is a control panel where Issuetrak Users can see and manage their Issues at a glance. It is shipped with a set of preset views allowing you to see data through pre-selected column views. All of the views except the Open Issues view are filtered by your role on an Issue: Submitter, Enterer, Assigned, Next Action, Task Assigned, or Task Available. The Open Issues view allows you to view all Issues you are able to see regardless of your role on the Issue.

Each view can be filtered by a column value and/or sort order set by another column. But there’s more!

As an Administrator, you can add new views or remove the default views to give you a more customized view. Additionally, you can customize the information shown on the view by selecting the columns that are important to your team. This includes columns that were not available to you on the default views.

You can also create a filter that applies automatically to Issues in a view. This is known as a Base Filter. An example would be a view showing Issues filtered by one Issue Type. Once a User accesses the view, they can modify the view by changing the sort order or adding additional filters (User Filters) on top of the Base Filter.

For more information on Base and User Filters, see our Term Dictionary.


Using the Issue Hub for Mass Updates

The Issue Hub also allows users with the proper permissions to make certain updates to Issues, either individually or in bulk. For example, you could select five issues and update their assignment or close them -- directly from the Issue Hub. A User’s permissions and visibility filters will affect what actions they can take within the Issue Hub.


What Does Issue Hub Mean for My Team?

The Issuetrak Hub is a tool to allow you and your administrators to create customizable views and management capabilities. Allowing you to organize data that is important to your team. Using the ability to update multiple issues with this toolset Users can be more productive.

Please also look through the  About Issue Hub for more information on its specific capabilities. If you have any questions or would like to speak with our Product Expert, we are here to help!