
Automation is a feature that facilitates automated changes to issues according to a set of criteria defined by an administrator. 

In order to set up Automation, you must have the “Sys Admin” parameter or “Can access and maintain Administration functions” permission.

There are three issue automation features available by navigating to the Left Menu > choosing Automation:

Auto Assignments

Auto assignment rules will automatically assign issues immediately upon submission to certain users or groups.


Workflows provide the ability to update issues in a variety of ways after certain defined criteria are met.

Substatus Rules

Substatus Rules (if Substatuses are activated) will automatically change the Substatus field or pause the System Clock for an issue based on defined criteria.  

About Auto Assignment Rules

About Workflows

About Substatus Rules

Substatus Rules are a mechanism that allows you to configure Issuetrak to automatically change the Substatus field or pause the System Clock for an issue.

Substatus Rules

If the Issue Substatus field is activated in your site, you can add Substatus Rules to automatically update issues to a different Substatus when certain events occur.

For example, if an issue’s Substatus is User Response Needed, its Substatus could be updated to Under Review as soon as the Submitter adds a note.

Among these types of Substatus Rules, there is also a Process Order that defines which Rule is to be applied when issues simultaneously qualify for multiple Substatus Rules.

Pause Clock

Substatus Rules may also be used to pause the System clock when issues have certain Substatuses. Once the clock has been paused on an issue—its Adjusted Time Open (i.e. Total Time Open minus how long clock is/was paused) will be used for Workflows, SLAs, and standard reports instead of its Total Time Open (i.e. exactly how long issue is / was open).

For example, if the Substatus User Response Needed pauses the system clock, an issue with this Substatus would not continue to accrue Workflow or SLA processes until the Submitter adds a note or a user changes its Substatus.

To see a demonstation of how to create a Substatus Rule and a Pause Clock Rule, click the Continue button to start the presentation below.

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Adding Substatus Rules


  1. Navigate to the Left Menu > choose Automation > Substatus Rules.
  2. Select the Issue Event that triggers this new Rule.

Notes added when using the “Email Issue” function are not recognized as “Add Note”, “Note Added by Submitter”, or “Note Added by Submitting Organization” issue events.

  1. Select the Substatus criteria for this event.
  2. Select the Substatus to be applied.
  3. Define the Process Order for this new Rule
  4. Click Save.

A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.


Adding Substatus Pause Clock Rules


  1. Navigate to the Left Menu > choose Automation > Substatus Rules.
  2. Scroll down to the System Clock Pausing section.
  3. Select the Substatus you want to automatically pause the system clock (i.e. all Total Time Open, Workflow, and SLA calculations) on issues.
  4. Click Save.

A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.


Editing Substatus Rules


  1. Navigate to the Left Menu > choose Automation > Substatus Rules.
  2. Click edit next to the Rule you are modifying.
  3. Make your changes.
  4. Click Save.

A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.


Deleting Substatus Rules


  1. Navigate to the Left Menu > choose Automation > Substatus Rules.
  2. Click del next to the Rule you are deleting.
  3. Click OK when prompted to confirm.

A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.

How to Use Round Robin with Automation

How to Use Issuetrak Automation

Time and Event-Based Automations