This article details troubleshooting tips for Active Directory accounts not being able to log into Issuetrak.
If users can pull up the Issuetrak login page, but cannot get past the screen with their credentials, we would need to verify a few settings:
Verify Active Directory Connection
- Log into Issuetrak.
- Click the gear icon in the upper right > click on Active Directory beneath Identity Management.
- Click Edit next to your AD Server settings.
- Click Test Connection.
If this fails, then you would need to verify that all information; Server, UserDN, and Password.
Verify User Mappings
- Log into Issuetrak.
- Click the gear icon in the upper right > click on Active Directory beneath Identity Management.
- Click Edit next to your AD Server settings.
- Scroll to Search Test.
- Type in the UserID and click Search.
This will give you a pop-up with information such as whether it has found the account and if it has any mappings. Active Directory user accounts must have user attributes and an organization set in order to import properly into Issuetrak!
Manually Import Account
- Log into Issuetrak.
- Click the gear icon in the upper right > click on Active Directory beneath Identity Management.
- Click Import Users from the right context menu.
- Click the radio button next to AD Group or OU.
- If you have multiple servers, be certain to select the correct server from the dropdown list.
- Select the AD Group or OU that you will be importing.
- Click Preview Import.
- If there is a problem with the import, such as mappings or inactive accounts, this preview should display them.
- Click Process Import.
Verify AD User Account Permissions
If everything appeared correctly in the previous steps, then you'll need to verify the login permissions for the user in Active Directory.
- Open Active Directory Users and Computers.
- Find the user account.
- Right-click the account and click Properties.
- Go to the Account tab.
- Click Log On To.
- Can the user log on to All Computers? If the user is restricted to a few workstations, you will have to add the WebServer and Domain Controller for Active Directory Integration to function.