About Issuetrak

What is Issuetrak?

Issuetrak is a software solution that allows you to track issues, tickets, and requests from start to finish. Issuetrak is backed up by a team of developers, support analysts, account managers, and software engineers ready to assist you and your team whenever you need help.


What is an Issue?

An “issue” is a generic term that describes a unit of work in Issuetrak. The label for this unit may be changed on your site to whatever word you prefer: item, work order, request, ticket, complaint, etc. Each issue contains a collection of information that is fully customizable by your Issuetrak administrator. Your administrator can configure the information gathered on each issue to meet the needs of your site. There is no limit to the number of issues that can be recorded in any given instance of Issuetrak.


Term Dictionary

Before you start, you may find it helpful to see definitions for some of the tools and features within Issuetrak. Please take a look at our Term Dictionary.


What can I do to an Issue?

If you are a SysAdmin, you can see and do everything possible within Issuetrak. If you are not a SysAdmin, then the story is a little more complicated. Licensing, site structure, site configuration, and the permissions granted to your account will control the features and issues that you can access.


Getting Help

As a user, your first line of inquiry should be your local Issuetrak Administrator. You may also find some answers within Issuetrak’s Help Center. Use the search box at the top of this page to find help about the topics you are interested in.

If your question cannot be answered by your local administrator, then they can submit a request to the Issuetrak Support Team. Only a user approved by your local account Administrator will be able to submit an issue directly to our Support Team. To help them get in touch, we provide a “Contact Us” button within each Issuetrak site to help them submit an issue into our system.


Additional Resources

Thanks for reading! We have put together a few more resources for new Issuetrak users to take a look at:

For Administrators and Sys Admins we also recommend taking a look at the following: