About Issue Types and Subtypes

Your system needs an overall structure for capturing and reporting issue-related information. This is accomplished by categorizing the issues being addressed through Issuetrak into:

  • Classes – general categories such as Change Requests, Incidents, Problems, Defects, Internal Issues, etc.
  • Issue Types – descriptive categories such as Product Support, Customer Relations, Shipping, IT, Operations, Administration, etc.
  • Subtypes – detailed sub-categories of specific issue types and higher-level subtypes


Issue Class = Internal Issues

> Issue Type = Administration

>> Subtype level 1 = HR

>>> Subtype level 2 = Benefits

>>>> Subtype level 3 = Insurance

>>>>> Subtype level 4 = Qualifying Event

Issue Types are the only issue classification every system is required to use. Classes and / or Subtypes are optional.


All users can select an issue type on issues, but which issue type values are available to them depends on any Organization / Group Restrictions in place. However, all users can view all issue types in any reporting mechanisms available to them. This includes the Dashboard, which has Open Issues by Issue Type panel.

When Subtypes are activated, all users can select a subtype on issues, but which subtype values are available to them depends on any Organization / Group Restrictions in place. However, all users can view all subtypes in any reporting mechanisms available to them.

As you decide which issue classifications to use in your system, keep in mind how the system responds to issues that can be automated based on any of these values. This includes Auto Assignments, Email Subscribers, and Workflows. If using Incoming Email (IEM), the system can automatically determine issue types and subtypes (as well as Issue Template values) based on Subject lines of incoming emails.

Issue Type and Subtype Organization / Group Restrictions

You may allow only members of certain organizations and / or groups to search and select specific issue type and subtype values (as well as Task, Task Group, and Issue Template values) through Organization / Group Restrictions.


Restrict the issue type IT to your organization. Then no customer or vendor accessing your site can view and select it on issues.

Restrict the subtype Server to your IT Group. Then no employee other than a member of IT can view and select it on issues.

Issue Type and Subtype Tooltips

You may define Tooltips for specific issue types and subtypes. This will allow you to include special messages using a tooltip link next to certain issue types and subtypes selected on issues. These links open the message in a popup window. HTML tags and hyperlinks are supported as tip content. Tooltips can be displayed to Agent users only on a case-by-case basis.


Include a tooltip for the issue type Operations that says: "Maintenance requests are processed within 3 business days. If this request requires parts that must be ordered, it may take up to 2 weeks to process."

Include a tooltip for the subtype Printer that says: "Please check the following: 1- Is it plugged in?, 2- Is it turned on?, 3-Does it have paper?, 4- Does it have ink? And 5- Are any warning lights blinking? If so, which one(s)?"

Include a tooltip for the subtype QuickBooks that says: "QB Technical Support – 800-555-1212 "and display this tip to Agent users only.


Activating Subtypes


  1. Click the Settings Lightbox (gear icon) in the upper right > click Optional Fields beneath Issue Setup.
  2. Scroll down to the Table Driven section and select Issue Subtype 1.
  3. To activate level 2 subtypes, select Issue Subtype 2.
  4. To activate level 3 subtypes, select Issue Subtype 3.
  5. To activate level 4 subtypes, select Issue Subtype 4.
  6. Click Update.

A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.


Adding Issue Types / Subtypes using Administration menu

Issue types and subtypes can be added and edited by any user with Sys Admin or Can access and maintain Administration functions permissions.

The steps described here are based on default issue and issue type labels with all related capabilities activated. Your system's labels and available options may vary.

New issue types can be added by clicking the gear icon in the upper right > then on Issue Types beneath Issue Setup, as well as the Submit and Edit Issue screens.

Organization / Group Restrictions, Email Subscribers, and Subtypes for an Issue Type or Subtype are available only in edit mode.



  1. Click the Settings Lightbox (gear icon) in the upper right > click Issue Types beneath Issue Setup.
  2. Click Add beneath Issue Types on the right quick menu.
  3. Enter the title as the Issue Type.
  4. To override alphabetical order in related lists and drop-downs, enter a Display Order.
  5. To change the displayed and required fields for issues with this type, select an Issue Form. If no Issue Form is selected, the Default Screen defined in your Settings Lightbox > Features will be applied. In either case, you may use the preview link to see how the Submit, View, Edit, and / or Close Issue screens appear for this type.
  6. To include a special message using a Tooltip link next to this type of issue, enter the Tooltip text. To display this tip only to Agent users, select Display this tip to Agents only. If no text is entered, no Tooltip link will be displayed next to this issue type.
  7. Click Save.
A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.

To see a demonstation of creating an Issue Type, click the Continue button to start the presentation below.


Adding Issue Types / Subtypes using Submit and Edit Issue screens


  1. From the Submit or Edit Issue screen, select the add link next to Issue Type or Subtype.
  2. Enter a name for this Issue Type or Subtype(s)
  3. To override alphabetical order in related lists and drop-downs, enter a Display Order.
  4. Click Save.

This window will then close and you will be returned to the Submit or Edit Issue screen, populated with this new Issue Type or Subtype.

Issue Types and Subtypes can be added and edited by any user with Sys Admin or Can access and maintain Administration functions permissions.

The steps described here are based on default Issue and Issue Type labels with all related capabilities activated. Your system's labels and available options may vary.


Editing Issue Types / Subtypes


  1. Click the Settings Lightbox (gear icon) in the upper right > click Issue Types beneath Issue Setup.
  2. If you simply wish to toggle the "Active" status of an issue type, you may do so here. This will be effective immediately and without confirmation. The steps below are not necessary to apply this change. If you are trying to toggle an issue type that is already inactive, you will need to click on the "Show Inactive Issue Types" button towards the top right.
  3. Click the edit link next to the issue type. The Edit Issue Type screen will then appear.

If you make any changes on this screen, do not use the level 2 links until after you have clicked Update or the changes will not be saved. Maintaining subtype levels 2, 3, and 4 is described in the following section, Adding and editing subtypes 2, 3, and 4.

  1. To change the title, modify the Issue Type.
  2. To change the order among other issue types in related lists and drop-downs, modify the Display Order.
  3. To deactivate, unselect Active.
  4. To define or change the displayed and required fields for issues with this type, select an Issue Form. If no Issue Form is selected, the Default Screen defined in Settings Lightbox > Features will be applied. In either case, you may use the preview link to see how the Submit, View, Edit, and / or Close Issue screens appear for this type.
  5. To define or change the organizations and / or groups that are allowed to view and select this type, click the add/edit link in the Restrict To section. Only members of the listed Organization(s) and / or Group(s) will be able to view and / or select this issue type.
    1. Drag/drop any groups or organizations that should see the issue type to the righthand columns.
    2. Click Update to save the selected groups/organizations.
  6. To define or change the third party (not Submitter, Enterer, Assignee, and / or Next Action) email notifications for issues with this type, use the View / Maintain Subscribers link.
  7. To define or change the Tooltip message or its properties, use the Add / Edit Tooltip link. If no text is entered in the Tooltip field, no Tooltip link will be displayed next to this issue type.
  8. To change any existing Subtype 1-related properties, use the Active checkbox and the notify, Tooltip, and / or restrict links next to the appropriate level 1 subtype.
  9. To add a new Subtype level 1 to this issue type, enter the display order and title for this New Subtype. To include a Tooltip with the new subtype, enter the Tooltip text. To display this tip only to Agent users, select Display this tip to Agents only.
  10. Click Update.

A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.

Issue types and subtypes can be added and edited by any user with Sys Admin or Can Access and Maintain Administration functions permissions.

The steps described here are based on default issue and issue type labels with all related capabilities activated. Your system's labels and available options may vary.


Adding and editing Subtypes 2, 3, and 4


To add new Subtypes or change existing Subtype properties:

  1. From the Edit Issue Type screen, select the desired level link next to the appropriate subtype level. The Edit Issue Subtype screen for a level will then appear.

CAUTION: If you make any changes on this screen, do not use the level links until after you have clicked Update or the changes will not be saved.

  1. To change any existing Subtype-related properties, use the Active checkbox and the notify, Tooltip, and / or restrict links next to the appropriate subtype level.
  2. To add a new Subtype, enter the display order and title for this New Level. To include a Tooltip with the new subtype 2, enter the Tooltip text. To display this tip only to Agent users, select Display this tip to Agents only.
  3. Click Update.

A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.


Deactivating Subtypes


  1. To deactivate the subtype levels in your system:
  2. Click the Settings Lightbox (gear icon) in the upper right > click Optional Fields beneath Issue Setup.
  3. Scroll down to the Table Driven section and select Issue Subtype 1.
  4. To deactivate level 2 subtypes, deselect Issue Subtype 2.
  5. To deactivate level 3 subtypes, deselect Issue Subtype 3.
  6. To deactivate level 4 subtypes, deselect Issue Subtype 4.
  7. Click Update.

A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.