About Tasks

The optional Tasks feature allows you to set up discrete actions and / or a consistent workflow required for the resolution of an issue. Tasks may be added individually or with a Task Group during the submission of an issue or at any time in the issue life cycle. Tasks and Task Groups may also be added automatically by the use of an Issue Template or Scheduled Issue, or Task Groups may be added automatically as part of a defined workflow.


Tasks can only be assigned by users or groups with Can assign Tasks permissions and only assigned to users or groups with Can be assigned Tasks permissions. Regardless of the Task Assigned To value in an issue, all tasks must be completed, canceled, or removed before an issue can be closed.

Only users with Can view Tasks on issues permissions will be able to view Tasks within an issue or issue notification. In addition, only these users will receive issue notifications related to Task events. This allows you to apply a workflow to an issue without bothering the user with the details of the workflow. Only users with Can edit Tasks are able to modify the name, dependency, or process options of a task on an issue.

Additionally, users need to have Can select substatus when submitting and maintaining issues permission in order to change the Update Substatus To dropdowns within issue-related tasks.  Without this permission, the Update Status To dropdown will be grayed out.


Pre-defined tasks and task groups may also be ‘Restricted’ to particular groups and / or organizations. Only members of these select groups and / or organizations will be able to view restricted pre-defined tasks and / or task groups. The restrictions do not apply to tasks and task groups that have already been added to an issue. Rather, the restrictions apply to being able to select them when adding tasks to an issue.


When a user is assigned a task, they'll receive an issue notification. According to the Task Type assigned, the Task can be marked “complete” by clicking task complete or can be approved or disapproved by clicking yes or no. You may also configure the system so that a popup window is generated during the completion of a Task. In this scenario, the user completing the Task will be prompted to enter Labor Hours and Labor Notes related to the completion of the Task. Regardless, the system will always record who completed the Task as well as the date and time it was completed.

In a  yes / no scenario among Task Groups, several options are available to support process management workflows related to each response. All subsequent tasks may be canceled depending on the selection of yes, no, or NA, depending on the workflow you defined within the Task Group. You may also choose to add another Task Group, modify the issue substatus, and / or close the issue when a task response is received. All process management options are available for each completion option (yes, no, NA).

Dependencies may also be established among Tasks, e.g. Task 3 cannot be completed until Tasks 1 and 2 have been completed. If dependencies have been engaged, the links to complete subsequent Tasks will not appear until the preceding Task has been completed and the dependent task is available for completion. If you have issue notifications set to only send when the Task is available, the email will not go out until that task is ready to be completed.

Please note that the video below contains navigation steps and naming conventions that apply to versions prior to Issuetrak 14. The actual use of the features depicted remains largely unchanged.  You may also notice that the terminology displayed in this video differs from what you see in your instance of Issuetrak.


Activating Tasks

When activating tasks, you have several additional options available. Only users with the Sys Admin parameter can activate Tasks and their additional options.


  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right > click Optional Fields beneath Issue Setup.
  2. Click the checkbox next to Tasks and any relevant task options:
    1. Activate Secure Task Completion: If checked, clicking the link to complete a task will require the current user to enter their password. If the proper password is supplied, the task is completed. If the proper password is not supplied after a set number of attempts, the user is logged out of the system. This option will not be available if Issue Lockdown is activated since Issue Lockdown includes this feature. This is not normally a recommended setting.
    2. Task Completed By Assignee Only: If checked, tasks can only be completed by the user they are assigned to, a member of the group they are assigned to, or administrators.
    3. Activate Popup Time Entry: If checked, completion of any Task will generate a popup window for the entering of Labor Hours and associated Labor Notes.
  3. Click Update.

A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete and tasks will appear as an option in the Settings Menu under the Tools area.


Managing Tasks

Tasks may be pre-defined from the Settings Lightbox > Tasks beneath Tools. Default Task values have been created to help get you started. Feel free to build on these default values or delete them and create your own. When building workflow processes or creating task groups, you can choose from these pre-defined tasks or type description at that time.

When using the Report Writer, bear in mind that reporting on tasks looks at two values – Task: Pre-Defined and Task: User Defined, so adding tasks to the dropdown to use in issues and workflows will report in a separate field than any task entered directly into the Task Manager.

Only users with Sys Admin or Can access and maintain Administration functions permissions can add, edit or delete Tasks within your system.

Users may add Tasks with unique descriptions in the Task Manager during the course of working on an issue. These tasks will not appear in the pre-defined Task List.

Adding Tasks


  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right > click Tasks beneath Tools > click Add beneath Tasks from the right quick menu.
  2. Select a Task Type
    1. Select Complete as the Task Type if this Task only requires the user to mark it Complete.
    2. Select Yes / No / NA as the Task Type if this Task requires the user to respond with either Yes, No, or N / A.
  3. Enter a Task name.
  4. Enter a Display Order value if the Task should appear in a particular order in the Task drop-down in the Task Manager.
  5. Click Save.

A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.

Editing Tasks


  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right > click Tasks beneath Tools.
  2. Click edit next to the appropriate task from the Task List displayed.
  3. Edit the appropriate field value(s), including type, name, display order, active / inactive, and Group or Organization restrictions.
    1. Drag/drop any groups or organizations that should see the task to the righthand columns.
    2. Click Update to save the selected groups/organizations.
  4. Click Update.

A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.

Deleting Tasks

It is strongly recommended that Tasks be “Deactivated” rather than Deleted to maintain the integrity of data in your system. Tasks can be deactivated from the Edit Task screen.


  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right > click Tasks beneath Tools.
  2. Click del next to the appropriate task from the Task List displayed.
  3. Click OK when prompted, "Are you sure you want to delete this Task?"

A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.


Deactivating Tasks

Only users with the Sys Admin parameter can deactivate Tasks and their additional options.


  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right > click Optional Fields beneath Issue Setup.
  2. Deselect the checkbox next to Tasks or deselect any undesired task options.
  3. Click Update.

A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.