Logging into Issuetrak

With Single Sign-On (SSO)

If Issuetrak has been configured with SSO, you should not normally be prompted for login credentials. If you do receive a login prompt with an Issuetrak site using SSO, use your credentials for your Organization's identity provider to sign in.


Without Single Sign-On (SSO)

If your account has been configured without Single Sign-On, you will be required to enter your user ID, password, and to click Sign In in order to access your Issuetrak site.

If you have forgotten your password, enter your user ID and then click the Forgot your password? link. A confirmation message will appear, followed by a system-generated email containing a secure link to change your password. The link will only be active for a time period configured by your Issuetrak site's administrator – and the process will need to be re-initiated if that window has elapsed.

If are not already registered with the site, click the Register Now link if it is present. Depending on how the site has been set up, you may be sent a password email.

Getting the Register Now or Forgot your Password link depends on Self Registration and Password Reset features being enabled.


Other Login Methods Without Single Sign-On (SSO)

Depending on the authentication provider configured for your site, such as Entra ID or Google login, you may need to ignore the User ID and password fields. If that is the case, then you will instead need to click on a login button below the User ID and Password fields in order to be directed to the login page for your provider.

The wording of these login buttons is set by your site administrators and will generally describe the type of login to use.