Updated Articles

  1. Automation

  2. About Auto Assignment Rules

    You can have the system automatically assign issues immediately upon submission to certain users or groups through Auto Assignments . Please note that a group must have active members and have the permission Can be assigned issues i...
  3. Asset Management Module

  4. Asset Tables

    Asset Tables are provided to allow you to establish pre-defined lists of common values for certain fields in order to standardize your data. Steps: To view / modify values in your Asset Tables, click the gear icon in the top right an...
  5. Issuetrak Release Notes

    Release notes for the latest version of Issuetrak.
  6. Managing Assets

    Asset item records are created by either entering information manually or by applying audit records returned by the automated discovery process . When creating records manually, simply enter the information desired in the appropriate fields. You'll...
  7. About Barcodes

    Issuetrak provides the ability to work with various types of barcodes for asset management. Issuetrak can create a barcode for each asset based on the asset's barcode field and the default barcode type you have configured on the Features screen....
  8. Term Dictionary

    If you are new to Issuetrak, the terms we use may be overwhelming. In some cases, the words we use may mean different things to different people. This document will give you a repository of the major terms used within Issuetrak. We’ll start with t...
  9. About Entities

    Entities in Issuetrak serve as unique identifiers for users and groups of users, allowing for efficient organization and management. What a user can see and do in Issuetrak are controlled by user permissions and what entities they are associated wit...
  10. How to Install Issuetrak on Your Desktop

    Most of the browsers supported by Issuetrak provide the means to "install" websites as web apps on your desktop. Naturally, this isn't the same as deploying Issuetrak in your environment - it is merely a tool for quickly accessing your site in a...