Popular Articles

  1. Activating Rich Text

    Only users with Sys Admin permissions can activate Rich Text within your system. Once activated, any user can embed an image in any issue they can see. Embedding images into Knowledge Base articles requires the Can add, edit and delete Knowledge ...
  2. Blocked Attachments

    Certain attachments, such as logo files or social media icons can appear repeatedly in your descriptions and notes, especially if included in the signatures of your users. You have the ability to identify the attachments you want to block from proce...
  3. Keywords

    Keywords are words or phrases that cause an email to not be processed. IEM will search each incoming email message for matches in the From Address and  From Name , or the Subject line, depending on which the keyword specifies. Default Keywords h...
  4. Managing IEM Mailboxes

    Activating Incoming Email As a prerequisite, you will need existing mailboxes to configure your IEM. If you have purchased a mailbox through Issuetrak, make sure you have that account information available. Steps : Cl...
  5. About Scheduled Issues

    Your system can automatically submit issues on a scheduled basis through Scheduled Issues . You may pre-define the Subject, Description, Issue Type / Subtype(s), Assigned To, Tasks, etc., and upload attachment files for any of these issues. ...
  6. About Optional Fields

    There are several Optional Fields that you can enable within your Issuetrak site that can help you with your process workflows. Optional Fields  Description Issue and Search Selecting these items w...
  7. Business Associate Agreement Addendum

    Download ...
  8. Outgoing Email in the Issuetrak Cloud

    Customers using Issuetrak's Cloud service can use one of the below three methods to configure outbound email for their site(s): Use Issuetrak's mail service with a Myissuetrak.com sender domain Issue notifications will be sent fro...
  9. Webform Limitations

    Issuetrak Webforms are a great way to let users submit issues without needing to log in. They simplify the process and don't require any training for the end user. However, like any tool, Webforms have some limitations. Here are the most significa...
  10. Configuring Services and Scheduled Tasks

    Issuetrak uses a combination of Windows services and scheduled tasks to continuously provide features and functionality: Feature Name Service or Task? Automatic Asset Updates Scheduled Task...