Popular Articles

  1. How to Perform an Upgrade Using the Issuetrak Deployment Manager (IDM)

    Introduction This article is intended to assist the Issuetrak administrator with using the Issuetrak Deployment Manager (IDM) to upgrade an existing installation of Issuetrak. The IDM provides a graphical wizard interface for upgrad...
  2. Entered Date vs Submitted Date

    Users with the appropriate permission can change the “Submitted Date” while submitting an issue. This article provides an explanation of the difference between the "Submitted Date" and "Entered Date." Entered Date This is the “actual” d...
  3. About Site IDs

    A site ID is a unique identifier that is used to validate your license, as well as distinguishing each running instance of Issuetrak from all others. Additionally, site IDs are also used as a mechanism to distinguish production sites from test sites...
  4. About the Billing Module

    The Billing Module gives you the ability to add multiple line items to an issue to represent Product and Service charges against an issue.  For service companies, this results in an ability to record charges for services provided and to charge for m...
  5. About the Dashboard

    The Dashboard is a user-specified display of At-A-Glance statistics regarding open issues. A user must have Dashboard permissions within their Menu Options / Pages Allowed to view the Dashboard. If Issue Classes are enabled, selecting a Cla...
  6. How to Use Tasks Groups for Employee Onboarding and Offboarding

    Many of our customers need help with controlling their onboarding and offboarding processes. What they find is that they do not have adequate control of the process to ensure that all steps are completed; this can result in a bad experience for new ...
  7. Service Level Agreements

  8. Dashboard Settings

    This sub-menu option allows you to define your personal Dashboard preferences. Below is a walkthrough of this screen from top to bottom: Select the Dashboard Panel you want to add to your Dashboard from the "Select a Panel" drop down. ...
  9. About Azure AD Integration

    Issuetrak offers integration with Azure AD via the Identity Management area of the product. The advantages of utilizing Azure AD with Issuetrak are very similar to those from using AD Federation Services: Issuetrak never has the user's cred...
  10. About Microsoft Office 365 Integration

    Note that the steps for creating the Office 365 Application are for Issuetrak version 15.5 and above. If you are running a version older than 15.5 this option will not be present and the server settings will be listed in the incoming email config...