Updated Articles

  1. Setting Report Writer Defaults

    Administrators can change your site’s Report Writer defaults and settings from the left menu: Reporting > Custom Reports > Settings on the right quick menu. Format Types specify how data will be displayed. Each field in the Issuetrak sy...
  2. How To Get the Most Out of Your Professional Services Consultation

    Below are recommendations aimed at maximizing the value of consultation sessions with Issuetrak Professional Services: Recommendation Supplementary Details Install the site (Not applicable for Clo...
  3. Configuration and Customization of Issue Submission

     The issue submission process in Issuetrak is crucial for collecting, organizing, and presenting information effectively. Proper configuration of this process ensures that your workflows run smoothly and can adapt to the changing needs of your organ...
  4. About Integrated Security

    Considerations for using Integrated Security or a gMSA account to deploy an instance of Issuetrak.
  5. How to Perform an Upgrade Using the Issuetrak Deployment Manager (IDM)

    Introduction This article is intended to assist the Issuetrak administrator with using the Issuetrak Deployment Manager (IDM) to upgrade an existing installation of Issuetrak. The IDM provides a graphical wizard interface for upgrad...
  6. Enable Support Access

    With Issuetrak 17.1, we have added a new function to provide access to your Issuetrak site to our Issuetrak Support teams. The new option to "Enable Support Access" enables an account that a Support team member can then use to log into your site. Yo...
  7. HTML Enhancement Options

    When using Issuetrak, the look and feel of the site are important as it helps provide additional information or better expresses the usage and usability of the site for your users.  Whether this is the login screen having additional text or images o...
  8. Attachments within User Profiles

    You may include electronic documents as attachments in user records if Attachments have been enabled on your site. If you need assistance enabling Attachments on your site, please refer to the Attachments section in About the Features Sc...
  9. How to Reset a Password

    This article explains the various methods a password reset can be performed for a user’s account. There are three methods with which a password can be changed depending on the configuration of the Issuetrak site and the permissions granted to t...
  10. Multi-factor Authentication

    This article is intended to inform administrators on how to configure MFA in Issuetrak. If you are not an administrator, then you should instead view the steps for configuring MFA as a user in the My Settings article. Issuetrak natively...