Managing Assets

Asset item records are created by either entering information manually or by applying audit records returned by the automated discovery process. When creating records manually, simply enter the information desired in the appropriate fields. You'll want to establish values for your Asset Tables before you actually begin to enter item records.

The Asset Summary page is the default starting page when you click Assets in the Settings Lightbox. The asset summary lists total counts for each Asset Type defined in your Asset Types lookup table, thus providing a quick overview of the status of your current inventory. Each total value is a link that will display a listing of the selected asset type.

If you implement our auditing software, be aware that automated audit information may overwrite any manual record entries. Asset items will be updated when a match is found on at least 4 of 6 values listed on the Asset Management Settings page (Click the gear icon in the upper right > Click on Settings beneath Asset Management).


Adding Assets


  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right > Click on Assets beneath Asset Management.
  2. Click Add Asset on the right quick menu.
  3. Enter the Asset Name and select the Asset Type.
  4. Enter the remaining information as needed.
  5. Click Save to save the record.

Searching For An Asset

You can search for assets by using any of the methods below.

Using Search Assets


  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right > Click on Search beneath Asset Management.
  2. Fill in the desired criteria.
  3. Click Search.

You will be taken to the Asset Search Results page. Clicking on an Asset Name will take you to the View Asset page for that Asset.

Using Lookup Asset by #


  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right > Click on Assets beneath Asset Management.
  2. Click Lookup by # on the right quick menu.
  3. Enter the Asset Number.
  4. Click Lookup Item.

You will be taken to the View Asset page for that asset if the Asset exists.

Using Asset Summary


  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right > Click on Assets beneath Asset Management.
  2. Click the number next to the appropriate Asset Type.
  3. On the Asset Type List page locate the desired Asset.
  4. Click on the Asset Name to view the Asset.

If you need to edit or delete the Asset you can click on the appropriate link for the Asset on the Asset Type List page.


Editing Assets


  1. Search for the asset.
  2. Click Edit for the Asset you need to edit.
  3. Make any necessary changes.
  4. Click Update.

A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.


Merging Duplicate Assets

If an asset has been duplicated and you would like to merge two records with different Asset IDs into one record, then you should use the Merge Duplicate Assets tool. This tool will allow you to select the asset to keep (ie. the primary asset) and the asset to remove (ie. the secondary asset). The merge will result in the primary asset having all of the history records, issues, and audits that were associated with the secondary asset.


  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right > Click on Assets beneath Asset Management.
  2. Click Merge Duplicate Assets on the right quick menu.
  3. Select the Asset to Keep.
  4. Select the Asset to Remove.
  5. Verify that you have selected the correct asset for each field.
  6. Click Merge.

Deleting Assets


  1. Search for the asset.
  2. Click Delete on the right quick menu on the View Asset screen.
  3. Click OK on the prompt.

You will be taken back to the Asset Summary screen when this process is complete.

If the Asset is linked to any Issues on the site, you will be taken to the Confirm Item Delete screen where you will be provided the three options below:

  • YES - Delete this item
  • NO - Set Active to 'NO'
  • Cancel

To avoid potential data problems, we recommend marking an Asset as Inactive instead of deleting it. If you have duplicate Assets, we recommend using the Merge Duplicate Assets menu option instead.


Linking Assets

It is possible to link asset items together. To do this, you would use the Parent Item field. For example, suppose you want to track monitors and printers as well as PCs. You might want to tie a monitor and a printer to a particular PC. The example steps below describe how to link a monitor and printer to a single PC.


  1. Add each asset individually: PC, monitor, and printer.
  2. Edit the monitor asset record.
  3. In the Parent Item field (in the Identification section), choose the PC as the parent.
  4. Repeat steps 2-3 for the printer.

To see a list of all the items related to the one you’ve selected, click on View Related Items at the top of the page.


Cloning Assets

If you need to duplicate an Asset, you can do so via either the Assets menu or from an Asset record.

From the Assets Menu


  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right > Click on Assets beneath Asset Management.
  2. Click Clone on the right quick menu.
  3. Click the magnifying glass next to the Asset field.
  4. Search for the Asset in the pop-up window.
  5. Once you locate the Asset you need to duplicate, click on the Asset Name.
  6. Click Clone.
  7. Enter the Asset Name and edit any necessary information.
  8. Click Save when done.

A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.

From an Asset Record


  1. Search for the asset you need to clone.
  2. Click Clone on the right quick menu.
  3. Enter the Asset Name and edit any necessary information.
  4. Click Save when done.

A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.


Asset Availability

Individual assets may be marked as available for check out. When the Asset may be checked out box in the Asset record is checked, the below additional fields will be shown on the Asset record:

  • Current Availability
  • Checked Out By (either an Issuetrak User or Other)
  • Check Out Date
  • Req Return Date

In addition, Availability information can be viewed by clicking the gear icon in the upper right > Click Assets > Click Availability on the Right Quick Menu. This option offers convenient access to availability information for all assets that have been marked as available for check out. Checkout history, current status, and quick check-in and checkout are provided.


Maintaining Drive Information


  1. Search for the asset you need to manage.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. To add a drive, click the Add Drive link above the section.
  4. To edit or delete existing drives, click the appropriate link (edit or del) to the right of the drive record.

Assets and Issues

Assets can be associated with users and / or issues.

Associate Users with Asset Items

When adding an Asset (or editing an existing Asset), you have the ability to associate a user with that Asset.

  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right > Click on Settings beneath Asset Management.
  2. Click Add Asset if you are creating a new Asset or search for the appropriate Asset and click Edit.
  3. In the User Information section click the magnifying glass next to the User field to search for the user.
  4. Once you locate the user in the pop-up window, click on the user name that you need to associate the Asset with.
  5. If this Asset should automatically be populated for all Issues submitted by this user, check the Default Item for Issues? box.
  6. Make any other necessary changes to the Asset and click either Save or Update.

A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.

If Assign Asset if matching user found is selected on the Asset Management Settings page, the system will automatically associate an asset to a particular user if the Issuetrak User ID is the same as the Login Name returned in an audit.

Associate Issues with Asset Items

When Asset Management is activated, the Assets field appears on the Issue Submit screen. You can click on select assets next to the field, and select one or more asset items. This function associates the item(s) with the issue. You can choose to have more than one asset associated with an issue.

If the Default Item for Issues? checkbox is checked on the asset item record, then when that user enters an issue, the default asset will automatically pre-fill in the asset field of the issue submit screen.

When opening an issue and attempting to add an asset, the asset field will have a filter based on the submitter and the organization selected on the issue. If you want to locate any asset, click Clear and Search.

Search Issues by Asset Item

The Search Issues screen allows you to search for issues attached to a particular asset item.


  1. Click Search Issues on the left menu.
  2. Click the magnifying glass next to the Asset field.
  3. Enter any other criteria needed.
  4. Click Search.

You will be taken to the Search Results page and a list of Issues that meet the criteria entered will be displayed.


Asset Attachments

While viewing or editing an asset item, you may want to attach certain files to that asset item record.


  1. Search for the appropriate Asset.
  2. Click Attachments on the right quick menu.
  3. Click Choose File.
  4. Browse to the file that you need to attach.
  5. Click on the file to select it and click Open.
  6. Click Save.

A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.