Scheduled Reports deliver Saved Searches or Report Writer Reports to select users via email in CSV, Excel, or HTML formats. This allows interested parties to receive and review the most current data without requiring them to log into the system to retrieve it. All output delivered in Scheduled Reports will be filtered based on user permissions on a per-user basis.
Add a Scheduled Report
- Navigate to: Reports in the left menu > Scheduled Reports in the right quick menu > Add.
- Enter a name for your Scheduled Report.
- Select what Report Type you want. This selection determines the input criteria for the report.
- Saved Search is a type of report that is created from the Search Issues screen.
- Report Writer Report is a type of report that is generated from Report Writer.
- Choose an Output Type.
- Determine the Schedule for this scheduled report. There are many choices on this menu, but notably:
- If you choose Hourly, you can set the scheduled report to be run only during specific hours.
- If you choose Daily, you can set the scheduled report to run at a specific time.
- If you choose Weekly, you can set the scheduled report to be run only on specific days.
- (Optional) Enter the End Date. You can choose to leave this blank, and the scheduled report delivery will recur indefinitely until this scheduled report is inactivated or removed.
The Scheduled Reports List will appear with the message “Report successfully scheduled” upon completion.
Edit a Scheduled Report
- Navigate to: Reports in the left menu > Scheduled Reports in the right quick menu.
- Click edit next to the appropriate Scheduled Report from the displayed list of Scheduled Reports.
- You may make changes to the fields that were set when the report was added. Note that there are three things on this screen that are not visible from the "Add Scheduled Report" screen:
- Next Run Date This is the next time that the report is scheduled to be run.
Note that the Windows Scheduled Task for Scheduled Reports actually determines when Scheduled Reports are run. The task runs on an hourly basis, but its exact run time may differ from "on-the-hour" times set in the interface. Therefore, if you have a report that is scheduled to run at 9:00 AM, and your Scheduled Task last run time was 8:50 AM, you can expect to receive your 9:00 AM report around 9:50 AM when the Scheduled Task runs again.
Enable Test Run. This tells the system to run this report on the Scheduled Task's next run time, regardless of this report's scheduled frequency.
- Report Recipients. This determines who the report is sent to.
- Next Run Date This is the next time that the report is scheduled to be run.
- Once you have changed the Scheduled Report to your liking, click Update to apply the changes.
A confirmation message will appear when this process is complete.
Best Practices
Any report you create can be scheduled to be delivered via email. When adding a recipient to a scheduled report, there are two options when specifying recipients: User ID or email address.
By selecting User ID, the report values are limited by a combination of user permissions, Organization, and Departmental membership. Using an email address sends an unfiltered report, showing the same values as would be seen by an administrator.