About the Features Screen

The Features page allows you to activate additional features on your site. Only features included in your license can be activated. However, you may evaluate or add other Features at any time by requesting an updated license from our Technical Support Team at 757-213-1351, support@issuetrak.com, or https://support.issuetrak.com.

Be advised, this page requires SysAdmin permission to access and maintain, the link in Settings will appear grey if the logged-in account does not have SysAdmin permission.

You may get to the Features page by clicking the gear icon in the upper right > clicking on Features beneath System.

Features labeled with an adjacent asterisk (*) denote those options which can only be enabled with a license that specifically includes those features. Such features will be grayed out if your instance of Issuetrak doesn't have a license applied that supports them.

API v2

Activate Issuetrak's second-generation API by selecting Enable API v2.

This option will be grayed out if API v2 hasn't been installed.

Asset Management *

Activate by selecting Activate Asset Management.

  • To allow on-demand audits, select Use ScanPC – On Demand Audits.
  • To set custom asset labels, modify the Singular and Plural fields. These will be applied globally across the product wherever assets are mentioned.



To enable attachment capabilities, select Use Attachments.

Once enabled, attachments of any size or format may be added to a user, organization, and Issue records, as well as Knowledge Base articles and Projects.

  • If the Asset Management Module is activated, this also includes asset records.
  • If the Surveys Module is activated, this also includes surveys.
  • If space on the Web server hosting Issuetrak is a concern, define a size limit for individual attachments in the Max Size field.

Once attachments are activated, permissions for certain folders on the Web server hosting Issuetrak will need to be modified. Please see this article in our Support Site for detailed instructions specific to your configuration.


Auditing - (Admin)

Activate by selecting Activate Admin Auditing. You are required to enter your password in a pop-up window every time you toggle this feature.


Auditing - (Issue)

Activate by selecting Activate Issue Auditing.


Billing *

Activate by selecting Activate Billing Module.



To enable Issue / task event scheduling and out-of-office re-routing for assignments and notifications, select Activate Calendar / Scheduling. Once enabled, users with permission to view the Calendar option may view scheduled activities by clicking on the Calendar from the left menu.

Agents with Can be Assigned Issues permission may maintain scheduled activities by choosing Calendar from the left menu.


Chat *

Activate Chat by selecting Use Chat.

  • The Chat Widget ID from the Chat Administrative Console will need to be provided. To obtain widget ID, you can contact support or obtain it directly from the admin portal.
    • To obtain the widget ID from the admin portal, go to Settings > Get the Code > Advanced.

Embedded HTML

To use your own embedded HTML and/or JavaScript to modify site behavior, select Use Embedded HTML and then fill in the field beneath it with the code you want to use. See this article to learn more.


Issue Forms

Select one of the Default screen options for your Issue Forms. Once you create your own screens by clicking the gear icon in the upper right > clicking on Issue Forms beneath Issues, you can return to this screen and update your default.

Classic Issuetrak does not include section headers, while Issuetrak Screen includes section headers.


Pre-Submit Form

To enable a Pre-Submit form that provides the end-user with limited options, select Use Pre-Submit Form.

You can additionally choose the behavior of the form:

  • Include both Issue Template and Issue Type selection fields on the Pre-Submit Form
  • Include Issue Template selection field on the Pre-Submit Form
  • Include Issue Type selection field on Pre-Submit Form

Note that the "Pre-Submit" form will not appear to users without the permission "Can view and select from Issue Templates when submitting Issues".



To enable department-based capabilities and reporting select Use Departments. Once enabled, Departments may be maintained by clicking the gear icon in the upper right > clicking Departments beneath Entities.

  • Select one of the following options to determine how Departments will affect visibility controls in the site: 
    • Restrict Issue visibility to the submitting user department
    • Restrict Issue visibility to the assigned user / group department

To enable the use of an additional value called Responsible Department, select Use Responsible department.


Global Issues

To enable Global Issue capabilities, select Use Global Issue.

  • Select all values that should be applied when an Issue is linked to a Global Issue in the When Linked column.
  • Select all values that should be applied to linked Issues when a change to a Global Issue is made in the On Change column.


Google Analytics

To enable Google Analytics integration, select Use Google Analytics. The Analytics Tracking ID will need to be supplied, which can be obtained from the Google Analytics account pages.

Obtaining your Analytics Tracking ID:

  • Sign in to your Analytics account.
  • Select the Admin tab.
  • Select an account from the drop-down menu in the ACCOUNT column.
  • Select a property from the drop-down menu in the PROPERTY column.
  • Under PROPERTY, click Tracking Info > Tracking Code.

Confirming that Analytics has been activated and is working correctly:

  • Per Google Analytics support, “…it may take up to 24 hours for data such as traffic referral information, user characteristics, and browsing information to appear in your reports.
  • To confirm data for your site is being collected, you can use the Real-Time reports from Google Analytics. To do this:
    • Sign in to your Analytics account.
    • Navigate to a view in the property to which you added the tracking code. If you only recently added the tracking code to this property (website), it is likely that there will only be one view.
    • Select the Reporting tab.
    • Select Real-Time > Overview.

For further support on Google Analytics, please refer to the support information provided by Google.


Identity Management *

Activate access to Active Directory, Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS), Azure AD and OAuth 2.0 / OIDC by selecting Enable authenticating users with third party identity providers.

  • Select Allow single sign on functionality to allow third party-authenticated users to bypass the Issuetrak login screen.
  • If desired, select Update existing users on login. If scheduled imports sync user records regularly, updating on login may not be necessary.

After you click Update, GO DIRECTLY to your user record and select No AD Authentication (pre-11.13 releases) or Issuetrak Authentication (11.13 and later) if you have activated the Identity Management Module. If you do not, you risk being locked out of Issuetrak until your third-party identity provider specifications are properly configured.

  • Select Allow user reactivation on login or import to automatically reactivate users that were previously disabled but have been reactivated in your third-party authentication solution.
    • If you've enabled the option above, you now have the additional option to Notify on reactivation errors. Its purpose is to set a contact in case reactivating an agent results in a license problem. If such a problem occurs, the user you have set in the field will receive an email notification about this problem.

      If you set a "Notify" user, but do not have outgoing email configured, then the following warning will appear: "Outgoing Email is currently disabled. Notification emails will not be sent."


Incoming Email Processing

To enable incoming email (IEM) processing, select Process Incoming Email. Once enabled, IEM can be configured by clicking the gear icon in the upper right > clicking Incoming Email beneath Email. You will be able to set up multiple mailboxes, create tokens to perform actions on an Issue when the email processes, and block specific attachments from being processed.


Issue Auditing

To enable Issue auditing capabilities, select Activate Issue Auditing. Once enabled, a record of most changes made to each Issue within the system will be logged.

  • Audits may be searched and viewed by clicking the gear icon in the upper right > clicking Issue Audits beneath Issues.
  • Audits may be archived by date range by clicking the gear icon in the upper right > clicking Issue Audits beneath Issues > clicking on Archive on the right context menu.
  • Archived audits are removed from the database and saved to a comma-separated-value (CSV) file on the web server hosting Issuetrak.


Issue Classes

To enable Issue Class capabilities, select Activate Issue Classes. Once enabled, Issues may be categorized into Issue class categories (e.g. Problem, Suggestion, Request) for broader reporting and analysis than simply Issue type.

  • Select the default class for Issues in the Default Class field.
  • Classes may be maintained by clicking the gear icon in the upper right > clicking Issue Classes beneath Issues.
  • Each new Issue will have the default class unless changed by a user with the permission Can edit Issues.
  • Report-based mass updates to the class field for a group of Issues may be performed at any time by clicking the gear icon in the upper right > clicking Mass Update Issues beneath Tools.

The Default Class must ultimately have an exact match one within the Classes > List. This counterpart may be added after the remaining system features have been enabled and updated. However, if you choose to add this counterpart now, before leaving the Features screen, click Update or all previous entries will be lost.


Issue De-escalation

To allow issues to be de-escalated, select Activate Issue De-escalation.


Issue Lockdown

To require a logged-in user to re-enter their password when initiating any change to an Issue, select Activate Issue Lockdown. Once enabled, no change will be allowed without a correct password. If not provided within three attempts, the system will log out the current user and return to the Login screen.


Issue Menu Options

To activate the ability to create an identical copy of an Issue, select Activate Clone / Copy Menu Option.

  • If you want to restrict this capability to Agents, select for Agents only.
  • When viewing an Issue, those able to use the Clone / Copy functionality will see a Clone / Copy link in the right context menu.

Issue Tokens

Issue Tokens are always enabled. However, global visibility on them is not! By default, users cannot see tokens that represent information they shouldn't be able to see. 

To allow agents to see all Issue Tokens regardless of visibility controls, select Allow full use of tokens regardless of visibility controls.


Knowledge Base

To enable knowledge base capabilities, select Use KB. Once enabled, KB articles may be maintained by clicking on Knowledge Base (or the custom label that you've set below) from the left menu.

  • To use a custom menu label for the knowledge base menu option (e.g. FAQs, Lessons Learned), enter the label in the Menu Label field.
  • To enable site visitors to access the KB without logging in, select Allow anonymous search without requiring login
    • If Allow anonymous… was selected, anyone navigating to your site may use the Search Knowledge Base (or custom label) link on the Login screen to search and view public (not Private and not organization-specific) articles.


Locations and Regions

To enable location-based capabilities and reporting select Use Locations. Once enabled, locations and regions may be maintained by clicking on the gear icon in the upper right > clicking Locations (or custom label) beneath Entities.

  • To use a custom menu label for the Locations menu option (e.g. Offices, Sites, Buildings), enter it in the Menu Label field.
  • To customize all site references to Location ID (e.g. Office #, Site ID, Building #) and / or Location (e.g. Office, Site, Building), enter the values in the fields provided.
  • To use custom labels for the (3) additional text fields included in location records, enter these labels in the Optional Label… fields.

To group locations into larger entities for reporting purposes, select Use Regions.

  • To customize all site references to Region ID (e.g. Area #, District ID) and / or Region (e.g. Area, District), enter the values in the fields provided.



The Mobile view for your site is enabled by default. Uncheck it to disable the Mobile view.



To enable project-based capabilities and reporting select Use Projects.

  • To group projects into larger entities for reporting purposes, select Use Categories.
  • If you want Actual Hours on Projects calculated automatically based on Labor Hours added to Project-related Issues, select Issue Labor Hours roll up to Project Actual Hours.
  • To customize all site references to Project (e.g. Implementation) and / or Category (e.g. Initiative, Strategy), enter a singular and plural value in the fields provided.

Quick Notes

To enable Quick Notes, select Use Quick Notes.



To enable new users to register a user record within the system directly from the Login screen, select Activate Self Registration.

Once activated, the “Register Now” link will appear on the Login screen. From this link, new users are prompted to provide user information (e.g. user ID, first name, last name, email, address, phone). The system uses this information to create a user record and emails the user a system-generated password. To apply permissions from an existing user template for self-registered users, click the template search ( ) next to the Create From field. Click the appropriate template in the Select User Record window that appears.


Service Level Agreements

To enable service level agreement capabilities, select Use SLAs.

Select either SLA Based on Issue Submitter or SLA Based on Issue Assigned To to define which value will determine SLAs.


Submit Screen Options

To activate a Submit and Copy button in addition to the Submit button on the Submit An Issue screen, select Activate Submit and Copy button. To display this option to Agents only, select for Agents only.

To activate a Submit and Close button in addition to the Submit button on the Submit An Issue screen, select Activate Submit and Close button. To display this option to Agents only, select for Agents only.


Web Surveys *

To activate Surveys, select Activate Web Surveys Module.